Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This May Hurt...

Right and Wrong—This one’s gonna hurt.

There is right and there is wrong. To me, this applies to 90% of life in a very black and white fashion. The other 10% falls into the rare gray. This lovely society we humans have created looks at it in nearly the opposite manner. Humans do this so they can either justify something to themselves, their peers, their socio-cultural group, or just out of selfish purposes. This covers nearly every type of societal grouping—political, religious, ideological, philosophical, and familial/personal.

My argument is that those that use (and love) the gray are self-serving and usually putting forth the worst of humanity. I am not writing to argue points. I am not here to banter. I will say this: I can defend my points of view in the greatest texts humans have ever written, for example: The Bible, The Tao The Ching, The Rig Veda, The Upanishads, and a plethora of revered texts. I also can back my "stuff" up, with the writings of some the wisest sages in history: Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Confucius, Martin Luther King Jr., Joseph Smith, and St. John of the Cross— the list goes on and on. On the other hand, all you who so choose the gray can use to support your ideologies are the ideas and philosophies of much lesser men.

So without further ado, below is a small list.

Right Things

1. Quality healthcare is a right, for everyone. Real, equal healthcare, the USA is the ONLY democratic country that does not have universal healthcare.

2. Helping the poor and needy—in a real and meaningful way.

3. Food, shelter, and clean water for all people.

4. Less protocol and more creative freedom.

5. The opportunity (notice I did not write ability) to a job that provides a living wage. The minimum wage should do this.

6. The freedom from slavery, both real and corporate.

7. Unity.

8. Death or life sentences to murderers, rapists, child sex offenders, and human traffickers.

9. A real Democracy, not a Republic that pretends to be one.

10. Tolerance.

11. An obliteration of political parties and the insane loyalties they try to foster.


1. Individual and corporate healthcare providers/ pharmaceutical companies financially raping the people.

2. The vast difference between the wealthiest and the rest.

3. People that try to justify the above with comments like, “I worked harder. I had more education. They are lazy. Why should I pay? I am only trying to be a good provider. I earned it; they did not. It was their choice.” These are excuses that prove selfishness and hypocrisy.

4. People that promote exclusivity among their respective groups. These could be religious, political, and/ or social.

5. Greedy employers that use their employees like servants.

6. 70% of what we do as a nation around the world.

7. Intolerance.

8. We are the richest country on the earth, yet we have one of the worst public school systems in the world. Among "stable" democracies we have the most expensive healthcare, the greediest financial system, and far too many people below the poverty line.

9. 99% of corporations. In fact, the very idea of a corporation is wrong.

10. If you can charge $900.00 for a tooth crown, or $150.00 for a doctor’s office visit, or pay your employees less than a tenth of what you make, and you can sleep at night, you are not making the world a better place. You are a vampire. Justify it any way you can, but you do not follow, Jesus, Vishnu, Allah, Buddha, or simply intrinsic human morality. Be more.

 Think about it; throw away your cultural ego and look inside—what do you see? Maybe more than you are now; maybe what you could be.

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