Thursday, February 21, 2013

I am finishing my first novel. There will be more come forth into the world of men. I have done many things and lived many lives. I have lived and worked in the wild places. I have loved many and hated some. My living was made on the backs of wild horses and among wilder men. I have been a gypsy and a hunter—a hunter of truths and a teller of lies. The abyss has been my comfort and my enemy. I believe in both good and evil, for I have known them both intimately. I have always written; I intend to tear these experiences from my life and heart and engrain them on paper.

I will try to fill this blog with poetry, updates, aphorisms, the mystical, my ideologies, and even the mundane.

Hold on.


  1. I can't wait! When should we be expecting it's arrival?
